Hey folks- in order to pick up a few lost days, here is the short versions of what has been going on since Saturday night. I will make it all pretty and fill in with the colorful language in a few days. I will have plenty of time when she moves into our house for a few weeks.
Sunday- In ICU. Sitting up in a chair more. Chest tubes hurt but otherwise OK. Heart a little erratic, but still within normal after such a big surgery.
Monday- Still in ICU. Chest tubes still in. Man in room next to her dies. She has a hard time with that. She thinks that she is next!! Moves to COU in the afternoon. Marty decides to spend the night. Catheter out, some of the other hardware removed (iv's ect). Walks around the unit about 100 feet.
Tuesday- COU. Chest tubes still in. Mom had some Atrial Fibrillation and pauses that warranted the attachment of a temporary pacemaker (temp wires implanted during friday surgery). Walks around the unit about 100 feet.
Docs are concerned about the electrical stuff in her heart.
Wednesday- COU. Chest tubes still in. Docs decide to put in permanent pacemaker. Schedule for 10:am.
She is awake and resting well. She is on another 8 hours of bed rest and loopy on meds from the Cath Lab procedure.
So, this is all fairly normal (I guess). A little hiccup with the electrical system in her heart, but I still feel that we are extremely lucky to have her alive. She is in good spirits and surrounded by a whole team of compassionate and caring folks that want the best possible outcome for her.
Brian, Please tell your mom we all miss her very much at the office. It was hard to see her front row seat was empty today at the sales meeting. She has a lot of people saying prayers and sending her good wishes. Thanks so much for keeping us all updated.